We had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch (brunch?) with Easton and Mason today at their school. After lunch, John had a "take your newphew to work" day, and he and Mason hit the road to Guthrie.
Apprently, John taught him many life lessons on this little adventure. One very important lesson went a little like this:
Mason: Uncle John, how did that car get dents in it?
John: Well, Mason, there was a lady that was driving the car and she hit a drunk man that was in the middle of the street.
Mason: Oh. Did he get hurt?
John: Well, yes he did. He died. Do you know what that means?
Mason: What?
John: Well, it means if you don't look both ways before you cross the street you will die.
I know that's how the conversation went, because then Mason called me to tell me that I should look both ways or I will die. Literally, those were his words.
John travels to see wrecked cars every day. Please give us a call if you'd like him to take your child out and teach him a lesson...
Which brings me to my next day of thankfulness. Today I will talk about why I am thankful for Easton and Mason, our nephews.
Easton is 10 years old, which I think is his best age so far. He is a lot of fun to talk to, and it's fun to see him growing up so quickly. It's that age now where you can have real conversations. I've watched him for a while now, and he is so observant. He knows everything that's going on around him. Even if he's engaged in his Gameboy, if you look closely you can see him watching the rest of us. It's kind of like when you pretended you were asleep at a slumber party to hear what people would say....
Easton has a great sense of humor. Growing up watching his mom, Aunt Renee and Uncle John has taught him he wants to make people laugh. So he's always saying witty things or trying out sarcasm on us. He'll be class clown in no time, especially since he can quote movies now. Yes, following John's lead he has memorized "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Benchwarmers". If you have any suggestions of other funny movies appropriate for 10-year-olds, please pass along....we need them!
Easton does really well at whatever he sets his mind to. He's so smart, and not just in the usual way. The kid plays chess. He's 10 years old and is practically a chess master. He's in Boy Scouts, does LTC at church, and has been playing the coronet in band this year. His first concert is next month, so I'm excited to see what it will be like.
Mason is 5 and is hilarious, too. All he has to do is smile and everyone lights up. Today during his school program, he would not look at us in the audience, but he knew exactly where we were and you could tell he was showing off....just a little!
Mason loves to color, and does a great job of tracing and coloring in the lines. We have many a Mason masterpiece on our fridge. Lately he's been taking art lessons from his PaPa and I can't believe a 5-year-old can do that. He's so talented.
Mason is also very observant, and loves to be part of grown-up conversation. He always has a story to tell, and most of the time it's a story about Easton. He always backs Easton up (when they're not blaming each other for trouble!) and loves to follow him around.
All that, and I've only been their aunt for 3 1/2 years! Their mom, dad, Mimi, Papa, and more could tell you even more stories about their personalities...so much fun! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have these boys close by!