Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nothing Like Waiting Until 6:56 p.m. to Vote...

See that sticker--I voted! And John voted, too. Everyone should vote. It's a privilege. And if you don't vote, you shouldn't complain. If you let other people make decisions without even offering your opinion you should not have the right to complain.

I am one of those dorky people who love voting. And I enjoy politics to a certain degree. Maybe not all the dirty, crooked stuff. Or the stupid people that often end up in office. But, I do enjoy the idea and enjoy the history. Believe it or not, voting and the freedom to vote used to be something people died for...

Luckily, I'm pretty sure my grandfather doesn't read the blog. So I figure it's ok to admit I voted for a democrat on my ballot. Ssshhh...don't tell! Gotta mix it up now and then, right?

Also, inspired my many blogs of people I don't know, I am posting shoes. See Susan's blog where she posts her shoes. I don't have very many cute shoes, so I won't post them every day....I might have 4 cute pairs of shoes.

These are my favorite sneakers. I bought them two years ago when I was really starting to get into Race for the Cure and breast cancer awareness. These, you'll notice, have a little pink ribbon on them--a portion of the proceeds went to the Komen Foundation. And, seeing as how half my wardrobe is pink and black the shoes have proved to be an excellent buy.

Also--John says this picture of my shoes is a great example of how bowlegged I am. Which is really unfortunate, since that has caused many joint problems and also makes it hard to wear shorts without feeling self-conscious. But cute shoes!

So that's my day. Hope you all voted!


Susan said...

Those shoes are FABULOUS! I love them.

And good on you for voting. I wish more people got excited about it; it's a priviledge to participate, and one we shouldn't take for granted.

Excuse me while I put my soapbox away now . . .

Shannon said...

I voted for two democrats! It wasn't the best voting experience for me because Sophy decided to scream through it and I knew the other poor people were trying to read the proposals!

Joe said...

You should never blindly vote an ideology, nor apologize for well-considered choices!
Only decisions based on knowledge and votes cast through participation will change this country for the better!

A representative republic such as the United States (the USA is not a true democracy) only performs well when the populace participates freely and regularly. If you do not vote, you accept the tyranny of the minority - that is, those in office - without objection.

I'm proud of each of you for voting regardless of your attitude towards politics, whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent!