Thursday, November 08, 2007

Starbucks Culture

I'm trying to contemplate the number of hours and money wasted at Starbucks lately. I'm preparing for another awesome trip this evening, which makes for a third trip to Starbucks this week alone.

I'm thinking lately it's been around 8 hours and $30 a week spent on Starbucks. I mean, it's no Britney Spears, but still it's a little outrageous.

And, all this Starbucks and friend bonding time has really kept me from spending any quality time with my DVR. But I guess the chats I'm having make up for that. What better reason to have a DVR than to give me a chance at having a real, live life?!

I'm also wondering how many blog posts will include Britney Spears in them...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Jessica, I am thoroughly disturbed that you used the words "wasted" and "Starbucks" in the same phrase.