Thursday, September 28, 2006


Well, for every day I have confidence and sound professional when speaking to a crowd, I have days when it doesn't work quite so well. Yesterday was just such a day.

We had several people in town for training, and I was presenting a large portion of their training materials on Wednesday. I woke up with a ridiculous headache, and it got worse as the morning wore on. I got to the point where my eye was throbbing so much I felt like it was going to pop out of my head. I couldn't get my thoughts straight, I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I certainly wasn't doing a very good job of presenting. So, I apologize to them for my senseless ramblings and wonderful Joe, who was 3 days on the job and was still recovering from having wisdom teeth removed, offered me some Motrin. I'm in blinding pain and I agree because anything was better than what I was feeling.

Don't take drugs you don't know anything about. That is my warning to you.

My headache did not subside and about an hour later I realize I feel very hot. And then the swelling starts. It started by my eye--a huge bump, practically a goiter on the side of my face. Then the hives started--red, itchy splotches on my face and my legs. And then, my lips start to tingle and I realize my bottom lip is swelling pretty fast. What could this be?

Oh wait....does Motrin have ibprofen in it? HA! It IS ibprofen. Just so happens I'm allergic to ibprofen. I knew that before...I just didn't think to ask about Motrin. Luckily, Benadryl works like a charm and I quickly returned to normal (albeit still hot and itchy). The good news is everyone in my office now knows I am very allergic to ibprofen so if I'm ever unconscious they can let hospital personnel know.

Very embarrassing....

John and I might paint the living room this weekend. But I can't decide if I really want to exert that much energy on a Saturday...

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