Friday, August 03, 2007

On-time Arrival

It's amazing. My plane ticket said I would arrive back in Oklahoma City at 8:15 pm. And I did.

Even after delays on both flights (including one "maintenance issue") I still arrived on time. I wasn't quite sure what to do, being that it's the first time in months I've flown into OKC before midnight.

I had a GREAT trip to Chicago. The meetings were meetings, kind of boring. But this is the first time since I began my career that I felt comfortable while networking/mingling. I knew so many people that I never get to see both on company side and client side. I was a master would all have been proud.

I'm "on vacation" today, even though I spent 3 hours on the phone for work this morning. Tonight we're having our class from church over for some Wii time. I'm so excited. Plus, we're babysitting Laura's little girl, Riley. I can't wait to have her here to kiss and squeeze all night!

Other than that, things are pretty mellow. And for those of you who read the Quad's website, they are here and pics are posted! Check out the blog of the Steece's, a really neat family.

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