SPLIT! Is any Hollywood marriage safe anymore?
Finally, I made the bed this weekend. Love the new sheets and comforter, don't you? Believe it or not, they've been sitting on the bedroom floor since John gave them to me for Christmas last year! I didn't want to put it on because I didn't want car hair all over it. You can see how well that worked.
Also, on Saturday we enjoyed a blustering attempt at the Pumpkin Patch, but it was too cold and windy. So, we settled for the next best thing: Eischen's and cinnamon rolls at the Tower Cafe in Okarchee! Nothing like the best fried chicken in Oklahoma to warm you up!
And that's it for the weekend update.
Sunday I headed down to Norman for Laura's baby shower. For those of you that don't know Laura, she is a saint. We actually shared an apartment together in college--and believe it or not, we are still friends! We have been through so much together (vacations, finals, friends, boyfriends, break-ups, engagements, weddings, and even cats!). She taught me how to do laundry. She was the first person to know I was officially engaged. She helped John pass his online biology classes by taking many of his tests for him. And, she is the smartest person I know (she's in medical school, studying to be a pediatrician) and I would trust her with my life as a physician.
On November 1st she and husband Aaron will welcome Riley Ann into the world. I cannot believe 9 months has flown by so quickly. I cannot believe she is having a little girl. She hates pink and doesn't exactly enjoy girly things. So, I imagine little Riley will end up just like Laura--tomboy to the core, playing football and softball, and spending more time collecting bugs than collecting hairbows. I can't wait to meet her, and I had so much fun at the shower. Laura got A LOT of pink stuff--we are all conspiring.
John was very excited about his job as scary woods man for the 3rd-5th grade Haunted Hayride through church over the weekend. He had been planning it for a while, and even bought a new all-black wardrobe for the occasion.
As you can see...he also decided to buy a scary mask. He went to Party Warehouse with the nephews and found this mask. You can't tell from the picture, but it was attached to a black ballcap. As he's showing his sister, Robin, and I the mask here is the conversation that followed:
John: Do you like my mask? Think it's scary enough?
Robin: Ooooo...very scary. Wait a minute....what is that emblem on the ballcap?
We all move in closer to investigate...
Robin: John....is that the symbol of the antichrist?
John: What? No....I don't know. How would you even know that?
Robin: It is! It is the symbol of the antichrist! John, you're promoting Satan worshipping at the church children's fall festival!
John: No! No! I didn't know, I swear....man, I really liked the mask. Think I can just grab a Sharpie and color over the symbol?
This is why we don't send men shopping on their own for anything....