So we tried peas tonight. From the moment he saw the spoon he was excited. And he ate every bite and would have eaten more if we'd let him! The last picture is his very first bite...right before a big smile!
**I have some really cute video but John and I both sound kind of stupid in it, so I won't post. But at least we have it. We must get better about taking video.**
He's growing up so crazy fast...
Ugh, it's gonna be so hard to feed Anna Jane peas. It's pretty much the one "normal" vegetable that Nathan and I don't eat.
Also, could you please have Colt give her a lesson in eating with a spoon? She was doing so good and then the past three days she refuses to open her mouth!
I saw a really cute bib at Whole Foods that said, "Give Peas a Chance." I wish Cold had that!
Colt makes me want to eat some peas :)
Cute pictures! I'm laughing about you not wanting to post the video because I always think I sound like an idiot in the videos I post but I just keep telling's not about you, it's about the baby...I'm just saying, don't you think it would be weird to see a video of a baby *without* a parent babbling in the background? :D
So cute. I love the one with his mouth so wide. Its like he is saying "hurry up, daddy". I always sound like an idiot on the videos too.
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