Thursday, July 24, 2008

Word Associations from the Airport

Kids in bathing suits: cute. Kids in bathing suits at the airport: weird. Parents in bathing suits at the airport: disturbing.

Iowa Hawkeye fans: cool. Iowa Hawkeye fans gabbing on their cell phone "OMG Lance is SO NOT a Hawkeye fan" in the airport bar: mildly obnoxious. Drunk Iowa Hawkeye fans screaming "Go Hawkeyes" 8 times while approaching landing in Iowa: typical.

Polite people in the seat next to you on the airplane: relief. Polite people in the seat next to you who want to carry on a conversation the whole flight home: annoying. Polite people in the seat next to you who's teeth are falling out of their carry on luggage on the floor near your flip-flopped feet: distracting.

Meeting potential new clients: exciting. Talking about Oklahoma weather with every new potential client you meet: exhausting. Trying to figure out what the heck is a midget race called the Chili Bowl that takes place in Tulsa every year with a potential new client who pronounces it "Barry Sw-EYE-tzer" and then not getting the business: maddening.

It's been a terribly long, exhausting 48 hours.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Welcome Home! I'm sure we offer a few funny word associations ourselves.