Monday, July 14, 2008

It's gonna get ugly

Y'all, it's about to get ugly.

I'm sure you've heard Starbucks is closing 600 U.S. locations. Well, it turns out almost all 600 locations are right here in Oklahoma. Like, ALL the ones near my house.

Britton and Broadway
122nd and Penn
15th and Santa Fe
Danforth and Santa Fe
Memorial and May

A good part of my weeks are spent at Starbucks near my house. I ask you...where am I supposed to go now? I mean, who wants to drive ALL THE WAY over to 15th and Broadway or 15th and Bryant? Seriously?! That's a whole 2 miles, at least, out of my way, and with the prices of gas I just can't afford to drive an extra 2 miles for my $4.00 cup of coffee.

Shoot, Emily, I forgot to ask about Bryant and Memorial...


Emily said...

That's so weird because I JUST talked to my brother about it and he told me that none of the ones closing were in his market...which is Texas, Oklahoma and another state. But he also ended with ..."but I'm not really paying attention because I'm quitting to start law school in a month."

Say a little prayer for bryant&memorial. Sniff.

not so zen momma said...

Derek says the owner is paying us back for stealing his basketball team.

It sounds like there will still be one at Memorial and Penn... it is a small comfort, I know...

Audrey said...

Ooooh, I hope Mem and Bryant doesn't close. That's about the only one I go to taking Carson to school.

Michele said...

be thankful you even have some near your house. I have every Starbucks in a 10-mile radius mapped out (which totals 3 up here)... stupid Dunkin Donuts monopolizing this area!

not so zen momma said...

Here is the full list...