Well, I decided to take several perfect moments over the last few weeks and mention them. In no specific order, here ya go:
- Colt has learned to play games. He played this game with my mom where he lays his head on the floor and pretends he's asleep until she pretends she's asleep, then lifts his head and squeals and she shouts "we're awake!" and he finds this to be the funniest thing EVAH.
- A "Jon and Kate Plus 8" marathon today (I'm honestly really sad they are having marriage problems because I love that family!)
- Eating both Cheddar's and cafeteria food this weekend while visiting my grandparents
- Finding perfect shorts and shirt at Old Navy for my GIRLS TRIP THIS WEEKEND!
- $1 flip flops that were purchased for me with NO standing in lines that wrapped around the store.
- 4 pairs of shoes for under $90 (including 2 pairs of Clark's and a pair of Cole Haan's)
- Colt sleeping perfectly on our first road trip out of town (until, of course, we came home)
- Catching up with my cousin Josh, who I think is one of the coolest people in the world, as he was on a road trip of his own.
- Colt crying and reaching for me (I LOVE it, I do)
- Cuddling with the cat after getting home
- Watching my grandma snuggle Colt all weekend
- Listening to my grandpa call him "Grandpa's Boy" and "Little Greyhound" all weekend. Little Greyhound comes from him saying that we take Colt so many places since he was born that he has more miles on him than a Greyhound bus!
- My awesome intern finally starting last week!
- Trip to little restaurant called Pops last week to send off my friend in the office to have her baby this week; and I got all kinds of yummy glass-bottled pops to come home with.
- Sick days with Colt where he had a fever, but didn't feel sick so it was more like fun day at home with my boy.
- Attending Special Olympics, which is one of my favorite things all year with work.
- A successful wedding shower at my home with almost 30 people for my best friend.
- Peaceful weekend alone with Colt while John was on his boys trip.
- Two Wednesday nights in a row of going to church - monumental!
- Scheduling our final post-placement visit with the adoption agency, to take place this Thursday!
- Finding out that a family friend will be handling our finalization hearing this summer for little to no charge because she loves us and loves our story.
- Lots of cupcakes
It's been an awesome couple of weeks!