Just checking in with a few pics of Colt's favorite things: one, this bowl toy called (I think) Biboli? I didn't really get it, but he LOVES it. It's supposed to be an imagination toy, encouraging kids to do whatever with it. Climb on it, sit in it, fill it with stuff, or like Colt - push it around. He plays with it every day!
He also LOVES to stand in our pantry. He's only just recently tried pulling things off the shelf. But it's one of his favorite rooms!
Also, I had a doctor appointment today. I'm currently 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced. Guess it's truly any day until Owen arrives! I'll check back soon!
Charlie just got a biboli toy for Christmas! I've yet to get it out for him but now that I see Colt playing with it maybe I will soon. :) I guess you can also put string through the holes and use that to pull them around the house...if you want to open THAT can of worms! :)
WOW, big news about Owen...I bet you must be SO excited and nervous both!! I can't wait to hear more, and of course "meet" your newest little man.
Adorable pictures of Colt! I can't wait to "meet" Owen! I'm excited for you and your family!
I have heard of that toy, maybe I should check it out for Shelby! Colt is getting so big! And soon he will be a big brother. I have been trying to decide when I think Owen will make his arrival. I say between 5 and 8 days from now.
I haven't seen that toy yet, looks like fun! :) I know I say this all the time, but it's amazing to me how much he looks like John! He's SO adorable, turning into such the little man.
Any day indeed! I'm trying to remember at what point I got to 2cm. I think it was like 37ish weeks. And then I had to be induced, go figure. :)
Adorable pictures. :-D
Wow! Colt will have a baby brother SO soon! Thinking of you.
I have no idea what effaced means, and quite frankly refuse to find out (just as I refuse to contemplate much of what my body is about to go through, LOL). But you sound excited and READY (okay, I admit being ready to be "done") so I am cheering along with you!
BTW, that OK snow you spoke of? Apparently headed my way, and the local tv news stations have already started the hype, LMAO.
My kids love the Biboli thing. When they're not using it as a stool to get into chocolate candy in the pantry, they wear it on their heads and look like "Dark Helmet" from Space Balls.
My kiddo got one of those for Christmas. He mostly likes to put stuff in it, but sometimes sits in it. It is kind of cool. Glad you're doing well!
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