There are several reasons why we don't make it to church on Wednesday nights, usually having to do with being tired, working late, or traveling for work. But I do aspire to someday attend church on Wednesday nights regularly. And I think God is beginning to speak to me about it.
This past Tuesday night, I had a dream. In my dream, John and I had a conversation about how he was going to play golf on Wednesday night with Randy, one of the preachers at our church.
Me: "John, you can't play golf with Randy, he's a preacher and he has to work on Wednesday nights. Going to church is part of his job."
John: "No, he talked to Kerianne (Randy's wife) and she told him it was ok to skip it for one night. We're meeting at Fairfax at 6:30."
Me: "I'm pretty sure Kerianne doesn't make the decisions on whether he takes a Wednesday night off, I'm pretty sure GOD makes that decision and I'm pretty sure he's not letting him off to go play golf with YOU."
Translation: Anderson's need to buck up and get to church on Wednesday nights. The end, Amen.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Why we need a professional photographer
On Sunday (Happy John Day!) we found ourselves at one point laying on our bed watching Ocean's 11, all 3 of us propped up on our elbows and happily enjoying the moment. I casually mentioned to John we should grab the camera and set the timer and take a picture of the 3 of us laying like that and capture such a relaxed and happy family moment.
Of course, what Colt heard was "hey, Daddy, let's take away all of Colt's toys and never feed him any food again and make sure to leave him alone in his bedroom with no blankets or pacifiers and just for kicks we'll make him wear socks that are too tight and cut off the circulation at his ankles". Thus, before John could get the camera set onto the dresser for the shot of the happy family moment he began to cry. By the time the camera caught our family portrait, he'd buried his face into the blankets in a sad, pathetic wail.
Which is why I'm hoping this weekend to make an appointment for a professional family portrait session.

Of course, what Colt heard was "hey, Daddy, let's take away all of Colt's toys and never feed him any food again and make sure to leave him alone in his bedroom with no blankets or pacifiers and just for kicks we'll make him wear socks that are too tight and cut off the circulation at his ankles". Thus, before John could get the camera set onto the dresser for the shot of the happy family moment he began to cry. By the time the camera caught our family portrait, he'd buried his face into the blankets in a sad, pathetic wail.
Which is why I'm hoping this weekend to make an appointment for a professional family portrait session.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy John Day!
I know it's a day late, but that's how things seem to be these days...but Happy Anniversary AND Happy Father's Day to my wonderful husband, John!
I wrote in his first Father's Day card that the last 6 years have been amazing and wonderful but they've been even better the last 6 months. I can't imagine a better partner on this adventure of marriage or parenthood. I truly believe God designed him just for me (to both test my patience and break down the barriers of love in my heart!) and I do thank my lucky stars every night. Even on nights after he's been golfing.
My best friend got married this weekend, which was both a celebration of love and commitment to remind me again of what a gift marriage and family can be AND it was a lot of me putting my own marriage and anniversary on hold to get her through this weekend. John was wonderfully loving and supportive of this, and so I do owe him a weekend of celebrating his first Father's Day (though I did spend hours watching golf with him yesterday so that in and of itself is a GIFT) and our anniversary since so much of me was spent designing programs, burning CD's, squeezing into bridesmaid a dress, dancing with a ringbearer, eating cake, hosting 8 women in my kitchen to get their hair and makeup done, driving to the chapel and back numerous times, calming the anxious bride, and various other matron of honor duties. John was great to share me with her.
I've been wanting to do a post for a while on marriage, especially about a song that I think speaks so much about marriage today and what it SHOULD be. Watching Hollywood marriages fall apart(tear - Jon and Kate), divorce such an easy option...I am thankful for my husband and I'm thankful for each passing year we have together. It's not always easy. I imagine it won't always be easy and it will probably get harder some days. But I promised "until death do us part" and I take that very, very seriously. Most days, though, are awesome and he's incredibly patient and kind and loving to me. More on that and a beautiful song to come.
I love you, Honey. You're the most wonderful, natural father. Colt lights up when he sees you and I love watching you with him. What a special day, to celebrate Father's Day and our anniversary on the same day. I thank God for you, and our life together. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
I wrote in his first Father's Day card that the last 6 years have been amazing and wonderful but they've been even better the last 6 months. I can't imagine a better partner on this adventure of marriage or parenthood. I truly believe God designed him just for me (to both test my patience and break down the barriers of love in my heart!) and I do thank my lucky stars every night. Even on nights after he's been golfing.
My best friend got married this weekend, which was both a celebration of love and commitment to remind me again of what a gift marriage and family can be AND it was a lot of me putting my own marriage and anniversary on hold to get her through this weekend. John was wonderfully loving and supportive of this, and so I do owe him a weekend of celebrating his first Father's Day (though I did spend hours watching golf with him yesterday so that in and of itself is a GIFT) and our anniversary since so much of me was spent designing programs, burning CD's, squeezing into bridesmaid a dress, dancing with a ringbearer, eating cake, hosting 8 women in my kitchen to get their hair and makeup done, driving to the chapel and back numerous times, calming the anxious bride, and various other matron of honor duties. John was great to share me with her.
I've been wanting to do a post for a while on marriage, especially about a song that I think speaks so much about marriage today and what it SHOULD be. Watching Hollywood marriages fall apart(tear - Jon and Kate), divorce such an easy option...I am thankful for my husband and I'm thankful for each passing year we have together. It's not always easy. I imagine it won't always be easy and it will probably get harder some days. But I promised "until death do us part" and I take that very, very seriously. Most days, though, are awesome and he's incredibly patient and kind and loving to me. More on that and a beautiful song to come.
I love you, Honey. You're the most wonderful, natural father. Colt lights up when he sees you and I love watching you with him. What a special day, to celebrate Father's Day and our anniversary on the same day. I thank God for you, and our life together. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What does 6-months look like?
Dearest, darling Colt,
Yesterday you were 6 months old. That's half a year. Or 26 weeks. Or, in Mama's measurements, a new carseat, a retired swing, 11 new baby foods, several dozen outgrown outfits, a new pacifier, a retired baby bathtub, a newfound screaming voice, a highchair, and a million smiles and giggles.
I literally ache to see you each day, you are so much fun. Except, I will say you are not so much fun in restaurants anymore. There was last weekend at the Steak n Shake with the screaming and the impatience with the spoon and the reaching for my drink and the wiggles and squirming out of the highchair. Yeah...looks like we're eating in a lot more.
But that's ok! Because there are so many things I love about 6 months. Specifically about YOU at 6 months. Let's talk about the most important thing: food. You have inherited your daddy and mommy's love of food. Ok, so there may be a little Aunt Robin and Mimi and Grandma's love of food in there, too. And you definitely don't take after Daddy and me - you LOVE veggies, green veggies to be exact. You actually haven't tasted anything you don't like. Oatmeal isn't your favorite but, hey, oatmeal with a little applesauce and we're in business!
When you see your highchair you start flapping your arms and kicking your legs. There is an excited sound you make that quickly turns into a scream of utter annoyance that you're sitting, being buckled in, why is there not a spoon in you mouth?! And literally knew how to chew from the moment a puff was placed in your mouth. You were born to be an eater. And you eat A LOT. The sadness when the food is gone, the agony of your cries that it's's almost more than I can bear.
You're growing up so fast. Just look at the different things around you! A new big boy car seat, the highchair, new toys. We retired the swing (it groaned and creaked everytime we placed you in it). Your OU pacifier wore out, so we gave you a new one. You outgrew the baby bath and we're trying the laundry sink and even a few times in the big bathtub! We're now packing your diaper bag with toys and books and baby food and's much heavier.
You're sitting up now! I cannot get over how big you look sitting up all by yourself. You're starting to grab toys while you sit, but mostly you just like to view the world from a tall angle and are happy to sit and observe. You're not so much into reading books (very squirmy) but you would sing songs and clap hands all day. In fact, singing ABC's will instantly make you smile.
Not too long ago, when we retired the swing, I started singing to you when you needed to go to sleep. I never knew how special that would be for me or for you. Sometimes I sing all our Bible songs and nursery rhymes so then I start singing what I know best. So if someone makes fun of you because you know the words to "Oops I Did it Again" just blame me. But I try to sing some Eagles and Beatles and Neil Diamond and Elton John and Billy Joel, too. I won't sentence you to a life of late-90s pop.
Last night I introduced you to a terrible habit...jumping on the bed. You were laying on our bed and I started bounding you and the most uproarious giggle, the music I want to hear all day every day came flooding out of your mouth. We sang about little monkeys jumping on the bed and we bounced and bounced and I didn't want to stop except that it makes mommy very tired so I had to. There have also been two days this week that you and I have taken long naps in mommy and daddy's bed and I pretty much swore I'd never do that, but oh how I love it.
You've started a phase where you cry when we turn our backs to walk out of a room. You hate to be left alone, and if you can't see us we hear about it. I'm not annoyed by this clingyness yet...I LOVE that you want me around you all the time!
So 6 months...yeah, I like it a lot. Every day you learn something new and you teach me something, too. Every day I thank God that I have the privilege of being YOUR mommy. I had no idea, it still takes my breath away every day - this joy of having you in our home and my heart.
I love you to the moon...and back,

Yesterday you were 6 months old. That's half a year. Or 26 weeks. Or, in Mama's measurements, a new carseat, a retired swing, 11 new baby foods, several dozen outgrown outfits, a new pacifier, a retired baby bathtub, a newfound screaming voice, a highchair, and a million smiles and giggles.
I literally ache to see you each day, you are so much fun. Except, I will say you are not so much fun in restaurants anymore. There was last weekend at the Steak n Shake with the screaming and the impatience with the spoon and the reaching for my drink and the wiggles and squirming out of the highchair. Yeah...looks like we're eating in a lot more.
But that's ok! Because there are so many things I love about 6 months. Specifically about YOU at 6 months. Let's talk about the most important thing: food. You have inherited your daddy and mommy's love of food. Ok, so there may be a little Aunt Robin and Mimi and Grandma's love of food in there, too. And you definitely don't take after Daddy and me - you LOVE veggies, green veggies to be exact. You actually haven't tasted anything you don't like. Oatmeal isn't your favorite but, hey, oatmeal with a little applesauce and we're in business!
When you see your highchair you start flapping your arms and kicking your legs. There is an excited sound you make that quickly turns into a scream of utter annoyance that you're sitting, being buckled in, why is there not a spoon in you mouth?! And literally knew how to chew from the moment a puff was placed in your mouth. You were born to be an eater. And you eat A LOT. The sadness when the food is gone, the agony of your cries that it's's almost more than I can bear.
You're growing up so fast. Just look at the different things around you! A new big boy car seat, the highchair, new toys. We retired the swing (it groaned and creaked everytime we placed you in it). Your OU pacifier wore out, so we gave you a new one. You outgrew the baby bath and we're trying the laundry sink and even a few times in the big bathtub! We're now packing your diaper bag with toys and books and baby food and's much heavier.
You're sitting up now! I cannot get over how big you look sitting up all by yourself. You're starting to grab toys while you sit, but mostly you just like to view the world from a tall angle and are happy to sit and observe. You're not so much into reading books (very squirmy) but you would sing songs and clap hands all day. In fact, singing ABC's will instantly make you smile.
Not too long ago, when we retired the swing, I started singing to you when you needed to go to sleep. I never knew how special that would be for me or for you. Sometimes I sing all our Bible songs and nursery rhymes so then I start singing what I know best. So if someone makes fun of you because you know the words to "Oops I Did it Again" just blame me. But I try to sing some Eagles and Beatles and Neil Diamond and Elton John and Billy Joel, too. I won't sentence you to a life of late-90s pop.
Last night I introduced you to a terrible habit...jumping on the bed. You were laying on our bed and I started bounding you and the most uproarious giggle, the music I want to hear all day every day came flooding out of your mouth. We sang about little monkeys jumping on the bed and we bounced and bounced and I didn't want to stop except that it makes mommy very tired so I had to. There have also been two days this week that you and I have taken long naps in mommy and daddy's bed and I pretty much swore I'd never do that, but oh how I love it.
You've started a phase where you cry when we turn our backs to walk out of a room. You hate to be left alone, and if you can't see us we hear about it. I'm not annoyed by this clingyness yet...I LOVE that you want me around you all the time!
So 6 months...yeah, I like it a lot. Every day you learn something new and you teach me something, too. Every day I thank God that I have the privilege of being YOUR mommy. I had no idea, it still takes my breath away every day - this joy of having you in our home and my heart.
I love you to the moon...and back,

Tuesday, June 09, 2009
One quick send-over
New post (one of the final ones!) on open adoption at Here's to Hope. Hopefully soon I will be exclusively here!
Top Gun

This kid is such a stud, he will charm the socks off anyone he meets. He causes waitresses to swoon and ask to hold him; he invites his teachers to come to work early to play with him; older kids at daycare swarm around him like a celebrity when they see him; perfect strangers (blog friends) love on him like he's a little brother.
Colt will probably be a giant headache as a teenager, but will have a million fans as he goes. T-R-O-U-B-L-E is what we're in for! I can't wait.
**But yes I can, because it's already going waaaaaay too fast!**
Sunday, June 07, 2009
I just had to post this so I can remember this experience and treasure it for a long time.
When we first brought Colt home, we knew that what would work for our family as far as sleeping was taking shifts. In order to keep me sane, I have to take the middle-of-the-night shift, and John took the late-night shift. There have been two nights only that I have taken that late-night shift, and it was when John was traveling. That's how serious it is.
What that means is that I never, ever put Colt to sleep. And what has worked up until now is that we swaddle and swing him around 9:00-ish, and John does one more late-night feeding around 11.
Colt has almost outgrown the swing. Weight limit is around 25 pounds, Colt is just shy of 25 pounds at this point. So we agreed we would start removing the swinging equation of his bedtime routine in order to get him used to that. Plus we are going to be forced to stop swaddling soon (again - his size) and we didn't want to take both away at the same time.
We laid him in his crib and he was just not having it. So I went in, turned on his nightlight and took him out to rock him. I tried to read "Goodnight Moon" but he was struggling so hard. So I began to sing. And almost immediately he was still.
I sang "Jesus Loves Me" about 5 times before moving on to "You Are My Sunshine", "Blue Skies and Rainbows", "Jesus Loves the Little Children", and "Twinkle, Twinkle". It was absolutely amazing to look at him, see him calmed by my voice, and watch him drift to sleep while I sang in my best warbling lullaby voice.
It's really a dream come true, and I wish I'd started this earlier. I cannot say enough that watching him calm like that to MY voice was magical. He's usually so busy that he doesn't cuddle a lot, and how precious those times are to me.
So at least someone enjoys my voice! And it's nights like this that my "oh my gosh I'm a mom" meter registers off the charts.
I think I'll make this a habit.
When we first brought Colt home, we knew that what would work for our family as far as sleeping was taking shifts. In order to keep me sane, I have to take the middle-of-the-night shift, and John took the late-night shift. There have been two nights only that I have taken that late-night shift, and it was when John was traveling. That's how serious it is.
What that means is that I never, ever put Colt to sleep. And what has worked up until now is that we swaddle and swing him around 9:00-ish, and John does one more late-night feeding around 11.
Colt has almost outgrown the swing. Weight limit is around 25 pounds, Colt is just shy of 25 pounds at this point. So we agreed we would start removing the swinging equation of his bedtime routine in order to get him used to that. Plus we are going to be forced to stop swaddling soon (again - his size) and we didn't want to take both away at the same time.
We laid him in his crib and he was just not having it. So I went in, turned on his nightlight and took him out to rock him. I tried to read "Goodnight Moon" but he was struggling so hard. So I began to sing. And almost immediately he was still.
I sang "Jesus Loves Me" about 5 times before moving on to "You Are My Sunshine", "Blue Skies and Rainbows", "Jesus Loves the Little Children", and "Twinkle, Twinkle". It was absolutely amazing to look at him, see him calmed by my voice, and watch him drift to sleep while I sang in my best warbling lullaby voice.
It's really a dream come true, and I wish I'd started this earlier. I cannot say enough that watching him calm like that to MY voice was magical. He's usually so busy that he doesn't cuddle a lot, and how precious those times are to me.
So at least someone enjoys my voice! And it's nights like this that my "oh my gosh I'm a mom" meter registers off the charts.
I think I'll make this a habit.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Canton Girls Trip 2009
This past weekend I went on a long-anticipated girl's road trip to Canton, TX for SHOPPING! We attended Canton's famous First Monday Trade Days and hit a few outlet malls. It was all girls, no kids weekend and I had such a blast!
I'd actually been planning this trip for a LONG time. A certain friend had been wanting to make the voyage for a while (I made my first trip in May of 2007) and we had been talking about it for almost a year. In fact, when I found out we had been matched with Colt, she was very excited for me an waited an appropriate amount of time before she asked if I would still be able to make the trip even though I'd have a baby at home. It was important.
Of course I was so we loaded up 11 of our closest girlfriends and headed down there. I made a few observations while in Canton:
--I am so glad I don't have a baby girl because the variety of bows and ruffled pink clothing proved to be too much for any mother to stand and most of the money was spent on their daughters instead of themselves!
--But still, despite not having a daughter, I still spent most of my money on things for Colt. In fact, only $30 the whole weekend was spent on items for is different now!
--I should have been saving for a very long time because I'm still thinking about the fabulous bag I didn't get as my money ran low.
--$30 for a fabulous red table is a great deal, but my muscles would disagree at this point because carrying such table across the vast trade days campus is not a great deal.
--Leaving my computer behind was still not the unplugging I'd hoped for. Had to jump on a last-minute conference call in the car on Friday afternoon. Luckily those girls know just how to quiet down. Turtle cookie bars may have helped.
--Don't go to the bathroom in Canton by yourself, or you may end up wandering the maze of booths by yourself! Poor Melanie...
--On that note, cell phones don't work very well in Canton.
--Don't share a bed with me because I steal the covers. I guess John could have told you that, but now a certain friend can commiserate.
--The CHI brings friends together.
--All good girl's trips should start with 4 dozen Eileen's Colossal Cookies.
--Despite leaving your husband with ziplock bags of your children's clothes for the weekend, labeled and ready, sometimes your kids will just wear what they want to wear when you're not around.
I had a great, much needed relaxing time and retail therapy. Thanks, Miss Emily, for dreaming this up! And Happy Birthday!
I'd actually been planning this trip for a LONG time. A certain friend had been wanting to make the voyage for a while (I made my first trip in May of 2007) and we had been talking about it for almost a year. In fact, when I found out we had been matched with Colt, she was very excited for me an waited an appropriate amount of time before she asked if I would still be able to make the trip even though I'd have a baby at home. It was important.
Of course I was so we loaded up 11 of our closest girlfriends and headed down there. I made a few observations while in Canton:
--I am so glad I don't have a baby girl because the variety of bows and ruffled pink clothing proved to be too much for any mother to stand and most of the money was spent on their daughters instead of themselves!
--But still, despite not having a daughter, I still spent most of my money on things for Colt. In fact, only $30 the whole weekend was spent on items for is different now!
--I should have been saving for a very long time because I'm still thinking about the fabulous bag I didn't get as my money ran low.
--$30 for a fabulous red table is a great deal, but my muscles would disagree at this point because carrying such table across the vast trade days campus is not a great deal.
--Leaving my computer behind was still not the unplugging I'd hoped for. Had to jump on a last-minute conference call in the car on Friday afternoon. Luckily those girls know just how to quiet down. Turtle cookie bars may have helped.
--Don't go to the bathroom in Canton by yourself, or you may end up wandering the maze of booths by yourself! Poor Melanie...
--On that note, cell phones don't work very well in Canton.
--Don't share a bed with me because I steal the covers. I guess John could have told you that, but now a certain friend can commiserate.
--The CHI brings friends together.
--All good girl's trips should start with 4 dozen Eileen's Colossal Cookies.
--Despite leaving your husband with ziplock bags of your children's clothes for the weekend, labeled and ready, sometimes your kids will just wear what they want to wear when you're not around.
I had a great, much needed relaxing time and retail therapy. Thanks, Miss Emily, for dreaming this up! And Happy Birthday!
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