First of all, in reference to the comment posted to my last blog--I don't think there's a soul out there who thinks I am a Texas fan. I have proven my hatred for Texas for many years. It is tried and true, and I hate Texas as much as I love the Sooners. And that's a lot.
Anyway, on to an update. We've had some craaaaazy weather here, which is not at all unusual for Oklahoma. Although, I don't think it's exactly normal to have a beautiful 75-degree day where we're sitting outside all day, gardening and playing like Sunday, and then wake up to over an inch of snow on Tuesday. That's not normal. Nonetheless, it was nice to have some pretty snow that stuck to the grass!
This weekend my bookclub met for the first time in 2006. We'd read a little dinky book last month (The Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing--it wasn't that good) and this month our new book is "Memoirs of a Geisha". I'm pretty far into it and it's really good! Back in October we read "Wicked" and it was VERY difficult to read, so the girls were a little leery of "Memoirs". We'll see how they like it. I know it's cheesy to be in a book club--but it's so much fun. We get together and talk about the book for like 30 minutes and spend the rest of the night eating and drinking and laughing--it's just a small group of girls. We're all (except my sister!) fresh out of college, working in our first jobs, all newly married or engaged. Julia's in it too, for fun and she fits in great. I don't know--it's a great escape.
Maybe part of why I like it, too, is because I only knew one of the girls before we started the book club. So I've gotten to know these girls and it's just fun. Plus I've read several really good books I wouldn't have otherwise read. I reccommend "The Lovely Bones" and "Wicked". Though "Wicked" is very odd, and a little inappropriate at times! And I'm pretty sure I'll be reccommending "Memoirs" as well.
Work is crazy. I started working on the new client projects this week and I'm already overwhelmed. The trip is going to be fine (I get to come home for several days in the middle!!!!). But there's a lot of pressure to really show my stuff, so it's overwhelming.
John and I are not even mentally prepared for our time apart. I guess my philosophy is that I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I leave Tuesday--I guess I'm there! But he's so excited about his trip and proud of me for my opportunity--I know it will be fine.
Easton turns 10 on Monday. We're going to Shogun's for his family party--big time! He's growing his hair long like the other kids in school and it's finally out of that awkward phase and starting to look pretty good. Mason is cute as ever--he'll be five next month!
Not much else--we saw "The Producers" in the theatre the other day. Hilarious!! A little outrageous, and a little gay but very funny.
Also--tried two new restaurants. Well, kind of. We highly reccommend Emerson Bigguns on Memorial Rd. If you go--get a burger. The burgers are AWESOME! Also, we tried to eat at Baker St. Grill the other day (by Red Lobster) and they are strictly 21 and over. It was really smoky and we couldn't take the kids in, so we left. Maybe they have good food, but we won't eat there. Not our kind of place.
Ok--really signing off now. I'll try to post before I leave. I'm off work on Monday, so that's a nice treat!