Owen is snoring soundly in his bouncy chair, so I thought I'd hop on and try to update!
We had a wonderful weekend with my grandparents and aunt in town. They got to meet Owen and Colt was able to show off some of his new tricks...including how he can be in a great mood even while very, very sick.
I managed to shell out $60 in doctor co-pays by making THREE separate trips to the doctor between Wednesday and Saturday. First, I'd finally had enough of watching Owen writhe in discomfort and cry all day long, so Wednesday I took him to the doctor to see what we could do about obvious reflux issues. A new formula and Rx for baby Zantac later and he's like a new child! I'm SO glad we went.
Thursday I got a call from school that Colt was running a high temperature. When I picked him up he was pathetic, clearly aching and sleepy. They ran tests for RSV, flu, and strep and ALL came back negative. Just a virus...so we headed to my mom's to visit with the family.
By Saturday it wasn't any better. He wasn't sleeping, and when he woke up that morning (screaming) he had 102.5 temp and had the feverish chills. I'm here to tell you there is nothing sadder than a toddler that is shaking with chills, burning up, grabbing onto your neck and still crying uncontrollably. Broke my heart so we headed into the Saturday clinic at the doctor's office. Well, the throat culture had come back positive for strep! Good thing we took him in or he would have spent all weekend untreated! After a round of antibiotics and lots of fluids he was back to himself by Saturday night.
So we're back to having two healthy kiddos, and in the meantime spent some much-needed time with family. My grandma held Owen for about 2 1/2 straight days. She LOVES babies and had been looking forward to cuddling with Owen. She'd snuggle all day with Colt, too, if he'd let her but, alas, he is MUCH too busy to be held by anybody! I was glad for both Owen and my grandma that they had that time to bond. I also got a little time away to go shopping with my aunt, and even got a few early birthday presents!
I go back to work in 2 weeks, but I'm refusing to acknowledge that. While normally I'd think "I ONLY have two weeks left" instead I'm thinking "Wow, I have TWO weeks!!". Going to take it easy this week and just cuddle with Owen as much as possible.
I wish I had more exciting updates to provide you! But things are happy and as peaceful as they can be. I always think of blog posts when I'm lying in bed or away from the computer but then I forget them by the time I get here. Hopefully I'll do better soon!
Off to watch some movies on Netflix, which now streams through our Wii console and it's AWESOME. There, that's your excitement!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
New pictures!
A few developments over the last few weeks:
- Now likes to carry his blue blanket around the house with him in the mornings, looking like Linus from Peanuts.
- We were having a hard time getting him to eat for the longest time. Finally, we moved him out of the high chair and into the booster seat, and started giving him all food on a plate or in a bowl. He feels like SUCH a big boy, he eats every bite. He's also practicing with spoon/fork though we've got a loooooong way to go.
- He LOVES brushing his teeth (after mom or dad brush first, of course!)
-He downed almost a whole bowl of Tomato Florentine soup the other night at Zio's...that kid eats weird stuff!
- He cannot get enough of playing outside. It's a sad, sad day if the weather is not nice enough to run around the backyard!
- He's becoming more and more alert, staying awake for longer periods of time.
- Still not sleeping through the night, but is at least consistent.
- Still a total cuddlebug, he would sleep for hours on my shoulder. I'm taking advantage of this now!
- His hair is getting more and more red. The boy is officially a red head.
- Still not sure how much he wants to eat, back and forth between 4-5 oz.
- I've gotten a few smiles...not sure if they are "real" but I'm hoping so! They're awfully cute!
- Finally is digging the swing!
And that's what's going on with the Anderson's!

- Now likes to carry his blue blanket around the house with him in the mornings, looking like Linus from Peanuts.
- We were having a hard time getting him to eat for the longest time. Finally, we moved him out of the high chair and into the booster seat, and started giving him all food on a plate or in a bowl. He feels like SUCH a big boy, he eats every bite. He's also practicing with spoon/fork though we've got a loooooong way to go.
- He LOVES brushing his teeth (after mom or dad brush first, of course!)
-He downed almost a whole bowl of Tomato Florentine soup the other night at Zio's...that kid eats weird stuff!
- He cannot get enough of playing outside. It's a sad, sad day if the weather is not nice enough to run around the backyard!
- He's becoming more and more alert, staying awake for longer periods of time.
- Still not sleeping through the night, but is at least consistent.
- Still a total cuddlebug, he would sleep for hours on my shoulder. I'm taking advantage of this now!
- His hair is getting more and more red. The boy is officially a red head.
- Still not sure how much he wants to eat, back and forth between 4-5 oz.
- I've gotten a few smiles...not sure if they are "real" but I'm hoping so! They're awfully cute!
- Finally is digging the swing!
And that's what's going on with the Anderson's!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Just some things I was thinking...
In lieu of original thought, here are some random things coming your way:
- I have an unhealthy sadness about Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. I feel lied to...the entire awards season he supported her and she raved on and on about their love and relationship. She's fighting for custody of his daughter with him. She deserves so much better. It makes me very sad. (this is my celebrity obsession speaking)
- We took Colt to his 15-month appointment yesterday. He weighed over 28 pounds and was 32.5 inches long! He is BIG and thriving and happy and right on track. Since we were all there we snuck Owen on to the scales. Already 10 pounds!! He is going to be a BIG boy too! I am so proud my boys are thriving.
- I have been wildly productive this week, to the point that all the goals I had for maternity leave are complete except for the baby books. But other than pictures and the last few months of Colt's first year, I have both filled out! I think I'll be done by the time I go back to work. I've organized our closet, sorted, organized, and packed away Colt's clothes from the past year and they are ready for Owen to grow into, I've done marathon laundry wash, dry, fold, and put away sessions, cleaned our bedroom, kept the rest of the house clean, wrote and mailed all thank you cards, wrote letters and sent pictures to Colt's birthmom, and spent MOST of my time cuddling with Owen and catching up on DVR and Netflix. It has been successful and I still have 3 weeks to go!
- I don't want to go back to work. Already. That's all.
- Owen's sleeping habits still have little regularity and are not getting any longer at night. This is a great source of frustration. But I know it will pass. It's just frustrating.
- I was cleared by my OB/GYN this week. He asked me what birth control I wanted to use. I laughed. I haven't thought about birth control in over 4 years! I didn't even know what to say so he just prescribed me some pill. Hope it works!
- My grandparents and favorite aunt are coming next week and I could not be more excited. I can't wait for them to see all of Colt's new tricks and meet Owen...they are beyond excited too.
- I love texting.
- I had a dream last night involving the Kardashians fighting at my spa day. I don't like dreaming about the Kardashians.
- My March Madness bracket is already screwed and the first day of games is not even over yet.
That's all for now. More randomness to come very soon!
- I have an unhealthy sadness about Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. I feel lied to...the entire awards season he supported her and she raved on and on about their love and relationship. She's fighting for custody of his daughter with him. She deserves so much better. It makes me very sad. (this is my celebrity obsession speaking)
- We took Colt to his 15-month appointment yesterday. He weighed over 28 pounds and was 32.5 inches long! He is BIG and thriving and happy and right on track. Since we were all there we snuck Owen on to the scales. Already 10 pounds!! He is going to be a BIG boy too! I am so proud my boys are thriving.
- I have been wildly productive this week, to the point that all the goals I had for maternity leave are complete except for the baby books. But other than pictures and the last few months of Colt's first year, I have both filled out! I think I'll be done by the time I go back to work. I've organized our closet, sorted, organized, and packed away Colt's clothes from the past year and they are ready for Owen to grow into, I've done marathon laundry wash, dry, fold, and put away sessions, cleaned our bedroom, kept the rest of the house clean, wrote and mailed all thank you cards, wrote letters and sent pictures to Colt's birthmom, and spent MOST of my time cuddling with Owen and catching up on DVR and Netflix. It has been successful and I still have 3 weeks to go!
- I don't want to go back to work. Already. That's all.
- Owen's sleeping habits still have little regularity and are not getting any longer at night. This is a great source of frustration. But I know it will pass. It's just frustrating.
- I was cleared by my OB/GYN this week. He asked me what birth control I wanted to use. I laughed. I haven't thought about birth control in over 4 years! I didn't even know what to say so he just prescribed me some pill. Hope it works!
- My grandparents and favorite aunt are coming next week and I could not be more excited. I can't wait for them to see all of Colt's new tricks and meet Owen...they are beyond excited too.
- I love texting.
- I had a dream last night involving the Kardashians fighting at my spa day. I don't like dreaming about the Kardashians.
- My March Madness bracket is already screwed and the first day of games is not even over yet.
That's all for now. More randomness to come very soon!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Owen is 1 month old!
My Darling Owen,
I can't even believe it, but you are 1 month old today! It's gone by so fast, it seems like you've been a part of our lives for so long.
You are growing like crazy. Just two weeks ago you were already up to 8 pounds! Starting today we're even moving into the BIG bottles and trying 5 oz at a time...you clearly feel like you can handle it! You're finally able to fit into a few 0-3 month size clothes, however your Newborn size sleepers are still the best and fit perfectly. I will be so sad when you can no longer wear them!
You're SO laid back and easy going, a total cuddler. I feel like your brother really helped me get my fears and worries about newborns out of the way and I am able to enjoy this stage much, much more. During my maternity leave we've mostly just stayed home, on the couch, cuddling. I LOVE THIS. I love doing nothing but holding you, listening to your snores, smelling your sweet formula breath, touching your soft hair, kissing your beautiful cheeks. You're a dream come true.
You're starting to be awake more during the day. Your eyes are dark in color but bright with life and curiosity. They have a sparkle to them, and I love to see them. You stare deep into my face and my eyes and I feel like I could drown in your stare. To watch you studying me, to watch you find peace in my smile and in my voice and my touch is the greatest blessing I have as your mom. It's something I heard about but until you and Colt were in my life I just couldn't understand.
You are NOISY! In a really cute way. You make noise all the time. Snoring, sighing, eating, breathing, stretching...everything you do has it's own little noise and those noises are the soundtrack for my day. Everyone that holds you, and I mean everyone, asks if you "talk" like that all the time...the answer is a resounding YES! You're going to have a lot to say as you grow up!
You're a very messy eater, but even that is starting to clear up. You're changing every day, looking more and more like yourself instead of a mini-version of me. You're getting used to the swaddle and it helps calm you at night. You're even taking the paci a little more each day, though it's still not your favorite.
Owen, I honestly didn't know what to expect when I found out you'd be joining us. I was so scared. Scared what your birth would do to our family dynamic. But, oh, how I didn't need to be scared. You've added so much to our family in just one month! Your brother is fascinated with you and every day he's growing to understand you and help take care of you. I LOVE watching him with you, and I go to bed at night dreaming of what your relationship will be like as the two of you grow up.
Life is getting a little more routine. We're figuring out how to go places all 4 of us, and yesterday we took you to church for the first time. I know we'll have our ups and downs over the next few months and years, but I am so, so thankful to have YOU along for the ride. I just can't believe how full my heart is. I love you with every fiber of my being. You've completed us!
I can't even believe it, but you are 1 month old today! It's gone by so fast, it seems like you've been a part of our lives for so long.
You are growing like crazy. Just two weeks ago you were already up to 8 pounds! Starting today we're even moving into the BIG bottles and trying 5 oz at a time...you clearly feel like you can handle it! You're finally able to fit into a few 0-3 month size clothes, however your Newborn size sleepers are still the best and fit perfectly. I will be so sad when you can no longer wear them!
You're SO laid back and easy going, a total cuddler. I feel like your brother really helped me get my fears and worries about newborns out of the way and I am able to enjoy this stage much, much more. During my maternity leave we've mostly just stayed home, on the couch, cuddling. I LOVE THIS. I love doing nothing but holding you, listening to your snores, smelling your sweet formula breath, touching your soft hair, kissing your beautiful cheeks. You're a dream come true.
You're starting to be awake more during the day. Your eyes are dark in color but bright with life and curiosity. They have a sparkle to them, and I love to see them. You stare deep into my face and my eyes and I feel like I could drown in your stare. To watch you studying me, to watch you find peace in my smile and in my voice and my touch is the greatest blessing I have as your mom. It's something I heard about but until you and Colt were in my life I just couldn't understand.
You are NOISY! In a really cute way. You make noise all the time. Snoring, sighing, eating, breathing, stretching...everything you do has it's own little noise and those noises are the soundtrack for my day. Everyone that holds you, and I mean everyone, asks if you "talk" like that all the time...the answer is a resounding YES! You're going to have a lot to say as you grow up!
You're a very messy eater, but even that is starting to clear up. You're changing every day, looking more and more like yourself instead of a mini-version of me. You're getting used to the swaddle and it helps calm you at night. You're even taking the paci a little more each day, though it's still not your favorite.
Owen, I honestly didn't know what to expect when I found out you'd be joining us. I was so scared. Scared what your birth would do to our family dynamic. But, oh, how I didn't need to be scared. You've added so much to our family in just one month! Your brother is fascinated with you and every day he's growing to understand you and help take care of you. I LOVE watching him with you, and I go to bed at night dreaming of what your relationship will be like as the two of you grow up.
Life is getting a little more routine. We're figuring out how to go places all 4 of us, and yesterday we took you to church for the first time. I know we'll have our ups and downs over the next few months and years, but I am so, so thankful to have YOU along for the ride. I just can't believe how full my heart is. I love you with every fiber of my being. You've completed us!
Monday, March 08, 2010
My Boys
What have we been doing since the last picture update? So much and so little at the same time!
We've had a full-blown walking explosion with Colt. A head injury (still bruised, poor guy...walking is hard!). Beautiful spring days and lots of time outside with Daddy hitting golf balls and watching hot air balloons. A few full-family outings, our first to breakfast at McDonald's. Trying out new things with Owen, like the swing and a first bath. Shopping. Meeting new friends and enjoying great food deliveries. Joining Netflix. GROWING (Owen was 8 pounds at his 2 week check up, up a pound and 4 oz and 1 whole inch!). Colt was sick a few days last week so we spent some time just mommy and boys....YIKES!
So, it's been a great couple of weeks! Colt is still doing well with Owen, and sleep is touch-and-go but not terrible. Owen is in a phase right now that he doesn't like to be put down, wants to be held all the time. Knowing this will pass too quickly I'm trying to enjoy it...my challenge is convincing Daddy to enjoy this!
Blessed, blessed, blessed are we.

We've had a full-blown walking explosion with Colt. A head injury (still bruised, poor guy...walking is hard!). Beautiful spring days and lots of time outside with Daddy hitting golf balls and watching hot air balloons. A few full-family outings, our first to breakfast at McDonald's. Trying out new things with Owen, like the swing and a first bath. Shopping. Meeting new friends and enjoying great food deliveries. Joining Netflix. GROWING (Owen was 8 pounds at his 2 week check up, up a pound and 4 oz and 1 whole inch!). Colt was sick a few days last week so we spent some time just mommy and boys....YIKES!
So, it's been a great couple of weeks! Colt is still doing well with Owen, and sleep is touch-and-go but not terrible. Owen is in a phase right now that he doesn't like to be put down, wants to be held all the time. Knowing this will pass too quickly I'm trying to enjoy it...my challenge is convincing Daddy to enjoy this!
Blessed, blessed, blessed are we.
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