Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Wanderer

So, by nature of some responsibilities I've taken on at work this year this September was full of travel for me. I naturally avoided thinking about it until the first trip, because 6 cities in 3.5 weeks makes for way too much pre-trip anxiety. But, I'm on the other side of the travel and can breathe a little easier.

More than ever this year, I got the comment "how do you do it?" from clients and coworkers. My response each and every time was that I have a rockstar husband. He's one of those that doesn't get phased by taking care of two toddlers by himself. He loves being with them, and they're more than comfortable with daddy time.

It wasn't always this way, and I can't imagine anyone who could naturally take that on. Actually, I've always traveled quite a bit and I have to say that when I first started taking trips we experienced the most difficult period of adjustment. And that was BEFORE kids. It was really hard figuring all the logistics out. I don't know why, but something in John just changed when we had kids and he was more at ease with the travel.

When Colt was a baby and when Owen was first born, we had our parents and sisters down the road that helped A LOT. I don't think we could have done it without them. But now, many times during my time away John won't call anyone. He just handles it.

I have some routines I follow when leaving town - I make sure the house is clean, dishes done, groceries are at least semi-stocked. I set out full outfits including socks for the boys for each day I'll be gone. I check their school sheets to see if any special days are happening (snow cone day or show and tell) and leave the right things. I make sure they're stocked on diapers for school so John doesn't have to run to the store. I try to make sure all laundry is done and put away, but more often than not there's a load left in the dryer. I set medicines out. I make sure I give the boys a bath the night before I leave, because John is not a huge fan of bathing both boys by himself...I'm not normally gone more than 2 nights at a time but still. And I try to pass on my flight and hotel info to him in e-mail form just in case.

We just have this silent routine that makes everything as easy as possible on him. I don't know how we did it, we just did. I'm thankful everyday that he encourages my work and the opportunities it has afforded me.

I've always been a caller - someone who calls when walking to my car or in between meetings. But after obsessing over watching a lot of the show "Disappeared" this summer on the ID channel, I now make sure I always call when I land, when I'm in a cab, when I'm headed out for an evening, and when I am in for the night. And especially when I get home and walk to my car at the airport by myself.

I know that as the boys age, it will not only be emotionally more difficult to travel often but logistically as well. But for now, I'm enjoying the routines and watching the boys thrive with their Dad.


Anonymous said...

I love that you not only get to travel, but that you actually like doing it (although I'm sure 6x in 3.5 weeks is more than you would normally prefer). And kudos to John, what a good husband and daddy!

Suzy, Not a Fertile Myrtle said...

I think you guys are an impressive and awesome team! It's great that he is so supportive. You both do things to make it work!

Glad your travel is slowing down and I'm glad it brought you to Nashville too!


Leah said...

It sounds like you really have a system worked out! It's hard being a mom, and an employee of the outside world, and a wife, etc. But it's so important that we nurture ourselves and our careers as well as our family. We can do it all! You are right now! :)