Wow! That was easy! I'm officially a blogger! Once I figure it all out, I'll start posting pictures and all. But for now--hello everyone! I guess I'm using this mainly to keep friends and family updated. It doesn't ever seem like we're all that busy, but I guess we really are! So, I'll try to recap current happenings for those we haven't talked to in a while.
John and I have been married for almost 2 years (2 in June). It's gone by fast, and at the same time I can't remember what it's like to not be married! We both have good jobs and for the most part enjoy those daily challenges. John works for Farmer's Insurance as a Claims Estimator (he knows exactly how much everything on your car costs--just ask him!). I'm working for an advertising and PR agency. I LOVE it (most of the time). In Oklahoma City, there's just five of us in the office, working hard at handling our one and only client--major restaurant company in Oklahoma and West Texas.
I currently handle the Public Relations/Promotions/Media Relations for the Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Ada, and Amarillo. For those keeping count, that's 182 restaurants! It's not as hard as it sounds, but it does keep my crazy busy.
No kids, and not for a while hopefully, but we do have a 20-pound cat named Max. He's really MY cat because he's tempermental and doesn't like people in general. But he's awfully fond of me, so John's not getting rid of him anytime soon!
Our biggest news so far is that we're building a house! It's the perfect little starter home with 3 beds, 2 baths, and a front porch for my summer nights. It also has a two-car garage so John can stop complaining that he has to park in the driveway! We love the house we've rented for two years--very cozy and right down the street from my best friend, but it's time for a home of our own. We're also excited because we already have great neighbors in our new neighborhood! JC and Courtney Curtis just moved into their house a few weeks ago, and they're right around the corner. Our house should be done by July, so I'll keep you updated (indulge me).
Other than that, we stay busy with church and family. We have finally found a great church home since we moved back to Edmond. We're going to Edmond Church of Christ and involved with the Young Marrieds class. It's great because EVERYONE in our class is having babies--it's actually less pressure on us b/c with all those new babies, why would we need to have one?!
Our families are great. We have two wonderful, if active, nephews Easton (9) and Mason (4). It's a lot of fun to watch them grow up and see everything they're involved in. We're really proud of Easton lately, as he is Mr. LTC at church, basketball star at school, evolving Boyscout, and active 3rd-grader! He's really growing up fast. Mason is, too--he's always been so sweet!
My sister, Julia, is a freshman at UCO with hopes of being an archaeologist (don't ask me--she loves it...I just can't wrap my brain around it! Maybe when she graduates she'll fly me to her dig sites in Egypt!). Everyone else is thriving as well. We spend so much time with family that I'll probably talk a lot about them as I keep this up!
Ok, well I've dragged on! Please keep checking back--I'll try to update as often as I can. And send me your blog or homepage links as well. I'd love to keep up with everyone!