Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Belated Thanks!

I am overwhelmed with all the support and well-wishes from the last post and Facebook announcements. It's been awesome, you guys have almost convinced me that we can survive having two kids 14 months apart!

Kidding, kidding...really, all the encouragement has been awesome. Isn't that why we put ourselves out there in blogland? Because, really, we all want are virtual hugs and kisses. Our families are so excited, which is good since they will have to practically take turns living with us for a while to get us through the newborn stage. Because I'll be honest...newborn is NOT my favorite stage. Sure, they're all fuzzy and warm and snuggly and smell good. But they cry a lot and are delicate and don't sleep at night.

Colt is at a perfect age. But I've pretty much said that since 3 months. It seriously just gets better and better! He's so much fun right now. And I've already started a VERY bad habit, the ONE AND ONLY bad habit I SWORE I'd never let happen...sleeping in our bed. Oh, geez, I can't believe I just admitted it. That's the first step, right?

It's just naps right now. And mostly it's because I love it and I need lots of naps right now. We come home from daycare and he needs a little nap so I'll crawl in bed with him and he goes right to sleep and it's the best cuddle time. And Saturdays...well, for the past few that's how we spend EVERY nap. I start to count down the minutes to when we can take naps because I love it so much.

But then...then on Sunday night/Monday morning he woke up at 5 a.m. crying and wouldn't stop. And so we did the unthinkable. We brought him into bed with us and he calmed down right away and went back to sleep. And my mom kept him last night and said he woke up at 3 a.m. crying and she put him in bed with her and he calmed right down and went to sleep. HE'S TRICKED US. HE DID IT...sneaky little bugger, he tricked us before we even realized it.

So, this is me...admitting it openly and taking back control. It is the ONE thing I don't want to happen. I don't want to give up nap time, because really I do need a lot of naps so why not take them together? But we will NOT start the middle of the night thing. No way, no how.

Also, he does this thing where he looks for us. He follows us as we walk out of the room and he leans over and turns his head...it is SO cute. I will have to video this sometime because there is no describing the cuteness.

In other news, in case you're not on Facebook you missed the drama of yesterday where I thought I was dying. I woke up and thought I was finally getting hit with morning sickness. But it was so severe and there were...other symptoms I quickly realized this was more than morning sickness.

After trying in vain to get ahold of my OBGYN all day (Ha! Right! Try getting ahold of your OBGYN on a Monday!) I decided I had to go to the hospital. Normally I would have waited it out, but I have a MAJOR business trip in Chicago this week. FOUR days that I cannot miss. Like, seriously cannot miss. So John and I headed to the ER and as we were getting checked in and dreading the 2+ hour wait, my OBGYN's office called and told me to head straight to labor and delivery and they would take care of me there. Which they did!

Normally you have to be around 20 weeks but it must have been a slow day on the floor because they already had a room ready for me. They got me hooked up to an IV (which, of course, caused me to throw up because I am a weenie...giving birth is going to be awesome) and I received 2 bags of fluids plus awesome drugs to help with nausea and other symptoms.

I ached by the time I got home, drank some chicken soup and passed out. I woke up in time to pack and get to the airport this morning. Somehow I managed a flight and a 90-minute train ride and a meet-and-greet before settling in. Now I'm signing off before a day of meetings tomorrow. Fun times. Missing my baby like crazy...I bet I'd sleep a lot better if he were cuddled up next to me.

So bad.


Melba said...

Glad you are beginning to feel better, both emotionally and physically!



MtnGirl said...

I don't think Colt "tricked" you - maybe you wanted and through esp conveyed to him about the nap cuddling! HA! I can't wait to hear how he starts getting into your bed in the middle of the night! I hope you have a great trip.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! You got hit hard. I hope you are feeling much much better. And I'm glad it worked out to be taken care of in labor and delivery. I hope you continue to feel a lot better and have a great business trip. :-D

Charly said...

Um...so...yeah...I did they SAME thing! I swore I would never let him into our bed, I was so wrong. It's just so much easier at night and I love having him next to me. And yes, naps are wonderful as well. We want to work on breaking him/us of it, but it ended up being harder then I thought. Probably more on me then him.
BTW...I'm glad your feeling better.

bandshayes said...

I totally understand. I NEVER wanted Karter in our room to sleep. First night home he slept in our bed. Now he's in a pack-n-play next to me. But when daddy leaves at 6 am Karter somehow finds his way on daddy's side of the bed next to me. It is great cuddling